Wednesday, July 11, 2018

[Shei] Shapes at Dazzle Event for July 2018

Sheli Shapes
Dazzle July Event 2018
Island Fun and Fashion
First I would like to apologize to Sheli Shapes in saying, I was given this item to blog, and I did not own the head from Catwa which you made it for - and since it was 5000.00 to buy, I decided not to purchase it for a blog. BUT that said...I did take pics with the Demo on....and also as a blogger I showed how it can go on a different head with slight modifications.

I will buy a shape that does not go onto my bento/mesh heads I own when I love the body..and Tinker and tweak until I love it as my own. This shape Gigi from Sheli Shapes has 2 shapes in the is MODIFY and one is NO-MODIFY. 
I chose to wear the Modify one so I could tweak it to a head I owned. (I own a lot!)
(almost every LAQ Bento Heads, a Mesh Catwa head also, but it does not modify to the shape so i did my pics with a Catya Demo since that is what it was made for)...

And then I put on LAQ Bento head BREE and showed what you can do when you do purchase her bodies and modify it to your own head you do own.

I love the full figure of this shape, I am usually a "twig" in SL lol and so when I put on Gigi and had hips and breasts I felt very womanly. I hope you buy this item from Sheli Shapes and try it with heads you own and do some of your own may find you have a love for curves if your more like me and tall and less hips. :)

SHELI SHAPE - GIGI with DEMO Catya Catwa Bento head and Maitreya mesh Body, wearing Belleza Suntan shade for both head and body

Now here is Sheli Shapes Gigi with LAQ BREE Bento head on with Elena LAQ skin for both head and Maitreya mesh Body. Body was in both Cocoa and Ebony Shades of Elena from LAQ Appliers.


So, there you have it....SHELI SHAPES GIGI in two different heads and even though the Catwa head was a Demo it showed how lively this shape is. and in the LAQ skin and head it shows different ways you can create your own lovely look...all with just ONE modify SHAPE.

Come over to Dazzle and grab you own SHELI SHAPE Gigi and see what you can create...and post it so we all can enjoy what you do!

Happy Summer!!!


LANDMARK TO DAZZLE - To get this awesome shape!!!


Model wearing:

Catwa Catya Demo head, Belleza sunkissed Applier for Maitreya and a Callie FLF special Applier, LAQ Bento Head Bree with Elena Cocoa and Ebony appliers for head and Maitreya Body.
Also ROA palm tree mesh body Applier

Landmarks for items...

RoA Mainstore for Body Applier -
Belleza for Body and Head appliers -

LAQ for Bento and Head and skin Appliers -


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